Professional Studies. Week 5 - Designing with a target market in place. 22/10/13

This week in Professional Studies we were discussing target markets and where me as a designer would fit in the industry...

A target market is a group of customers that would buy your products. As a designer I will always have to keep this in mind when I'm designing, will I design for kids, women, men or what age group will I aim at teens, middle age or elderly?

How will my work be manufactured? This is something I'm unsure of right now. I haven't yet thought if I'd like to just design and let someone else make or will I do it myself? Something I will have to consider when graduating. For now I am happy drawing, developing and producing a final outcome.

Freelancing has always something I have considered doing but until today didn't really know what my options where. There is freelancing independently, working for a company or work through an agent. I think I would love to work independently but think it is wise to work for a company or agent first to gain enough experience to enable me to work independently in the future.

Before today I didn't know what commissions were...
Basically it is an order for a piece of your work. Sometimes you can apply to do this for a company looking for a particular piece of work or a company will come to you and give you a brief and a budget to follow. When companies do this they want something very particular so it is important the right designer is chosen or the job. This is when negotiating skills come in handy as you'll have to learn how to negotiate payments and time scales.

*Deborah Bowness - makes handmade wallpaper (based in York). Very interesting. Must research!*  

During today's lecture we took part in a group task where we had to look more closely at a designer. We chose Lee Broom. After doing some research we found out he produces contemporary furnishings and is also an interior designer who makes light fittings mainly made from glass, wood and crystal. He sells at the high end of the market selling his work in Liberty's and Selfridges. I would describe his work as individual, modern and futuristic, not many similar competitors on the market. If I could guess who would buy his products I would say someone who is aware of current trends and likes interior design enough to spend a lot of money decorating their homes.

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